Mentoring up: how to get the most out of your mentors

June 11, 2021

Moderator: Yael Niv (Princeton) Panel: Wei Ji Ma, Veronica Caraffini

Effective mentoring is a two-way relationship, predicated on open communication and alignment of expectations. Mentees have an important role in steering this relationship by identifying and making explicit their own needs. Our mentors are not mind readers, and asking for what we need is sometimes all that stands between us and our goal. In this session, we will discuss the concept of "mentoring up" (borrowed from "managing up" in industry), work through practicalities of where we should each be mentoring up, and answer questions that arise. Recommended advance reading: Judy Zerzan et al. (2009). Making the Most of Mentors: A Guide for Mentees. Academic Medicine, 84(1), 140-144. This event was part of the Growing up in Science series on academic mentorship. Organizer and moderator was Yael Niv. Discussants were Wei Ji Ma and Veronica Caraffini.
